=====RP 1707b Data element directory for DCS passenger messages===== ====Section 2—Message Level Elements==== Note 1: Each of the following elements starts on a new line when used; precede each element with a carriage return and line feed (<≡). Note 2: “Data Field Name” refers to entries in the DCS Data Field Dictionary found in Recommended Practice 1707a. Note 3: Each line of a message has a limit of 64 characters as defined in the IATA Systems and Communications Reference Manual. When an element on a line causes the line to go beyond 64 characters, reposition the entire element on the next line. 2.1 ADDRESS ELEMENT 2.1.1 The address or addresses which are used for a message depend on bilateral agreements between the carrier controlling the flight and the Handling Agent at the Boarding Point. 2.1.2 The construction of the Address Element for the “to” address is governed by the IATA Systems and Communications Reference. Example of a double address: ZRHKKSR AMSKKKL 2.2 COMMUNICATIONS REFERENCE ELEMENT This element for the “originator” is governed by the IATA Systems and Communications Reference. Example: .AMSRMKL 260714 2.3 MESSAGE IDENTIFIER ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 2.3.1 Standard Message Identifier (specific to each PNL message identifier message, according to the IATA Airline Coding Directory) 2.4 FLIGHT ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 2.4.1 flight information flight AZ123 flight oblique / information separator local scheduled departure date 09 date/day month JUN month space → information separator 2.4.2 boarding airport (or, disembarkation airport: on TPM only) ZRH airport code 2.4.3 transfer point (on PTM only) CPH airport code 2.4.4 space → information separator 2.4.5 part number PART1 part number Examples: KL774/06JUN ZRH PART1 CX1234A/12NOV HKG PART1 824 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 2.5 TOTALS BY DESTINATION ELEMENT All destinations beyond the boarding airport appear in the message; they appear in the order of the flight routing. This element serves as the header line for each destination and its passenger counts out of the boarding airport to each downline destination. For each destination from the boarding airport to the final destination, the compartment or fare class on the flight appear in high to low order. According to bi-lateral agreement, the element is constructed either by compartment or by fare class (also known as RBD, Reservations Booking Designator). Therefore, the Totals by Destination Element shows codes and numbers for the agreed construction method. Each compartment or fare class shall be on a separate line. 2.5.1 Passenger Counts Construction Example Data Field Name hyphen - information separator destination FRA airport code total number of passengers 03 number/two-to-three compartment F compartment or fare class Q fare class Example: -FRA03F Note: The Number of PAD (Passengers Available for Disembarkation) follows the Passenger Count and is included only in the PNL, ADL, and PRL, and only by bilateral agreement. hyphen - information separator header PAD PAD identifying code number of PAD 15 number/one-to-three Example: -FRA03F-PAD15 2.6 NUMERICS BY DESTINATION ELEMENT According to bi-lateral agreement, the element is constructed either by compartment or by RBD (Reservations Booking Designator). Therefore, the Numerics by Destination Element shows codes and numbers for the agreed construction method. A flight could have up to 26 RBDs, therefore the number field can appear from 1 to 26 times for each destination. Each time a destination's line(s) of numerics overflows 64 characters, break the line at the end of a complete number field followed by an oblique and continue the construction of the element on the next line, indenting 4 (four) spaces and continue with the next number field. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.6.1 Destination beyond the sending station: destination NBO airport code space → information separator 2.6.2 number of passengers boarded locally (excluding PAD passengers): number for first compartment or RBD 13 number/two-to-three oblique / information separator number for second compartment or RBD 047 number/three oblique / information separator number for third compartment or RBD 032 number/three Note: repeat the preceding field for “number of passengers boarded locally”, as needed 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 825 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Construction Example Data Field Name 2.6.3 number of PAD passengers boarded locally space → information separator identifying code PAD identifying code number for first compartment or RBD 00 number/two-to-three oblique / information separator number for second compartment or RBD 000 number/three oblique / information separator number for third compartment or RBD 002 number/three Note: The number of PAD (Passengers Available for Disembarkation) follows the number of passengers boarded locally, and is included only on the PFS, and only by bilateral agreement. Examples of Numerics by Destination lines with less than 26 compartments or RBDs: FCO 13/047/032 NBO 04/117/002 PAD08/002/000 ATL 10/03/040/003/022/000/004/003/003 MSP 10/03/040/003/022/000/004/003/003 PAD00/01/002/000/010/000/000/001/002 Examples of Numerics by Destination lines that overflow 64 characters: CFG/18P37Y9M15Q15K15W9E9R9T9S9L8Z8X8A8B8D8J FRA 04/001/000/000/000/001/000/002/000/000/000/001/000/000/007/ 000/000 PAD00/003/006/000/000/000/000/001/000/003/000/000/ 000/000/000/000/000 BKK08/004/000/000/000/001/000/002/000/000/000/000/000/006/000/ 000/000 PAD00/003/005/010/000/000/000/001/000/000/000/005/ 000/000/000/000/001 HKG04/001/000/000/000/001/000/002/003/000/000/000/000/000/000/ 000/000 PAD01/003/002/000/000/000/000/001/000/000/000/008/ 000/000/000/002/000 2.7 DEL/ADD/CHG ELEMENTS The element to delete (DEL), add (ADD), and change (CHG) passengers are used only on the Additions and Deletions List (ADL). This element is a header for the data elements to follow. 2.7.1 DEL (Delete) Element This element, when used, reflects that Name Elements have to be deleted from the list, due to cancellations or “Change Name To” transactions made in the reservations system after dispatch of the PNL or a previous ADL. This element shall be repeated if the ADL has more than one part. Construction Example Data Field Name header DEL DEL identifying code 2.7.2 ADD (Add) Element This element, when used, reflects that new Name Elements have to be added to the list, due to new reservations made after dispatch of the PNL or a previous ADL. This element shall be repeated if the ADL has more than one part. Construction Example Data Field Name header ADD ADD identifying code 826 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 2.7.3 CHG (Change) Element This element, when used, reflects the elements associated with a Name Element in a previous PNL and/or ADL have to be substituted by the element(s) shown under this indicator. This element shall be repeated if the ADL has more than one part. Construction Example Data Field Name header CHG CHG identifying code 2.8 CATEGORY ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 2.8.1 hyphen - information separator 2.8.2 destination airport NBO airport code 2.8.3 carriage return, line feed <≡ information separator 2.8.4 category code NOSHO category 2.8.5 space → information separator 2.8.6 number of passengers in this category 2 number/one-to-three 2.8.7 compartment F compartment or fare class Q fare class Examples: -FCO GOSHO 1F GOSHO 2Y 2.9 NAME ELEMENT A Name Element consists of a passenger surname and all of the first names/initials/titles that are associated with that surname. All rules contained in the A4A/IATA Reservations Interline Message Procedures (AIRIMP) apply for the construction of names. When there is more than one surname in a PNR in the reservation system, then the Name Element includes a Party/Group Identification, associating the surnames with each other (Note: not to be used on a minimal PNL/ADL; see RP 1708, Paragraph 1.1). The Name Element format is also used for a Block Seats Indicator, within the alphabetized listing of the names. A Name Element is not to be broken or continued on the next line of a message. The length of a Name Element cannot exceed the length of one message line of 64 characters. When the Name Element plus Party/Group Identification is more than 64 characters, first place as much of the name element as possible on the line, leaving space on the end of the line to include the Party/Group Identification (when it is present). Truncate the remaining characters of the name(s) at whatever point the maximum placement allowance is reached. Characters from the Name Element that were truncated are not included in the message. When multiple Name Elements appear together, alphabetise by surname. 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 827 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 2.9.1 Passengers Construction Example Data Field Name Passenger names and party identification 2DOE/JACKMR/ name element and group JANEMS-C3 identifier Seat blocking 1ZZ/CBBG-C3 name element and group identifier Note: When PNRs are created for purposes other than passenger accommodation, the surname is shown as ZZ preceded by number of seats to be blocked and the given name shows the reason. A Party/Group Identifier always follows a ZZ name element when seats are blocked for passenger special service (CBBG, EXST, STCR ...) Examples: 1DOEDEN/AARONMR 2KOSTER/ADAMDR/VIOLAMRS 1JONES/PETER-C2 .R/EXST HK1 23A 1MEYSEMBOURGH/AMYMS ... ... 1ZZ/EXST-C2 2.9.2 Party/Group Identification Passengers of different surnames travelling together and booked in the same PNR are considered a party/group and are given separate Name Elements. The Name Elements are associated with each other with Party/Group Identification (Note: not to be used on a minimal PNL/ADL; see RP 1708, Paragraph 1.1). Party/group identifiers range from A to Z and then AA to ZZ. Construction Example Data Field Name hyphen - information separator party/group identifier C group identifier total number of seats in the party/group 16 number/one-to-three Examples: -C4 -AJ9 2.9.3 Block Seats Indicator When inventory is booked in RES for special usage, such as for extra cabin baggage (CBBG) or stretcher (STCR), the SSR/OSI/AUX codes are shown in .R/ elements with the individual name of each applicable passenger on the PNL/ADL. The seats blocked for the special usage are shown on the PNL/ADL with a special form of the Name Element, using ZZ as the surname in alphabetical sequence. The “given name” field can show free text or an SSR/OSI/AUX code to show the special usage. The Passenger name comes across on the PNL/ADL with a group identifier as 1JONES/PETER-C2 followed by a .R/ element for the service item (CBBG) and the number of seat (s) blocked appears with the same group identifier as 1ZZ/CBBG-C2 under the relevant Totals by Destination element. This special form of the Name Element is used only to show the number of seats blocked and appears only on the PNL/ADL, as bilaterally agreed. Examples: 1DUPONT/PIERREMR-A8 .R/STCR KK1 BROKEN HIP IN PLASTER ... 1JONES/PETER-C2 .R/CBBG HK1 CELLO 135X25CM 15KILOS ... ... 7ZZ/STCR-A8 1ZZ/CBBG-C2 25ZZ/KLALLOTMENT 828 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 2.10 CLASS CODES ELEMENT The Class Codes Element uses the header RBD. This element shows the fare classes (Reservations Booking Designators) that are associated to each compartment code. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.10.1 header RBD RBD identifying code 2.10.2 space → information separator compartment F compartment oblique / information separator associated reservations booking designator(s) FA fare class(es) Example: F/FA J/JCDZ Y/YBKLMT 2.11 BONUS PROGRAMS ELEMENT This element serves the purpose of showing which frequent traveller bonus programs are acceptable for the PNL operational flight and the associated marketing flights. The FQT will appear only if recording of frequent traveller numbers need to be controlled. Multiple FQT Elements can appear on a PNL as needed. When no FQT Element is present on a PNL it means that any frequent flyer program code can be entered for passengers on this flight. The FQT element is used when there are exceptions to this rule for the operational flight and/or the associated marketing flight(s). Construction Example Data Field Name 2.11.1 header FQT FQT identifying code 2.11.2 space → information separator 2.11.3 airline code SR airline code 2.11.4 when airline code refers to marketing carrier, follow with flight number 123 flight number 2.11.5 oblique / information separator 2.11.6 one or more partner or airline code(s) of allowable SK airline code bonus program(s), each separated with an oblique SK/MH/TQ 2.12 SEAT CONFIGURATION ELEMENT Required when Space Available/Transit Element used. Include only compartments that are in use and are non-zero. For example, if an aircraft has a moveable partitions with possible compartments F/C/Y, and the configuration today is F8/C0/Y180, then include only F8/Y180. Or, for the same aircraft, if the configuration has been set to F0C98Y0, then include only C98. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.12.1 header CFG CFG identifying code 2.12.2 oblique / information separator 2.12.3 fitted number of seats by compartment, in descending order: count for compartment 008 number/three compartment code F compartment (repeat count and code, for all compartments on the flight) 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 829 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Construction Example Data Field Name 2.12.4 (optional) aircraft type: oblique / information separator aircraft type AR8 aircraft type 2.12.5 in case of downline aircraft or configuration change(s): space → information separator airport code at which this occurs NCE airport code space → information separator fitted number of seats by compartment, in descending order (as shown in 2.12.3) (repeat 2.12.5 as needed) Example: CFG/111Y (one configuration, one compartment) CFG/111Y/MD8 (one configuration, one compartment, with optional aircraft type) CFG/020F179Y (one configuration, two compartments) CFG/028P036J130Y (one configuration, three compartments) CFG/016F117Y NCE 015F120Y (configuration change en route, two compartments) CFG/044F133Y/733 GVA 044F122Y/MD8 ATH 044F133Y/AB6 (configuration changes en route, two compartments, with optional aircraft types) 2.13 SPACE AVAILABLE ELEMENT This element gives the number of available seats by compartment and leg (for use for go-shows, etc.). The numbers are shown under the airport codes of the station from which they are available. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.13.1 header AVAIL identifier 2.13.2 carriage return, line feed <≡ information separator 2.13.3 originating station of the flight: space → information separator station ORY airport code 2.13.4 all stations after originating station (repeat for each): two spaces → → information separator station NCE airport code 2.13.5 number of seats by compartment and leg (repeat for each compartment): carriage return, line feed <≡ information separator compartment F compartment counts per station 011 number/three count for originating station (repeat for all stations except final station): two spaces → → information separator count 008 number/three Note: When a negative availability exists, the number of oversold seats is followed by a hyphen (-), as a negative sign (which replaces a space if more counts follow). 830 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b Example of an AVAIL element for a three-compartment flight sent to all stations on the flight (except the final destination). The flight originates in LHR, continues to ORY and NCE and terminates in FCO: AVAIL LHR ORY NCE FCO F003 000 002- C002 001- 011 Y005- 012 000 2.14 TRANSIT ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 2.14.1 header TRANSIT identifying code 2.14.2 beyond the station to which the PNL or ADL is sent: carriage return, line feed <≡ information separator space → information separator next destination ORY airport code destination(s) as in routing element showing all downline stations of the flight (repeat for each): two spaces → → information separator destination NCE airport code 2.14.3 number of seats by compartment and leg (repeat for each compartment): carriage return, line feed <≡ information separator compartment F compartment count 110 number/three repeat for each additional leg: two spaces → → information separator count 078 number/three Examples: TRANSIT FCO NBO JNB F000 000 012 Y099 022 017 2.15 SCHEDULED TIME OF DEPARTURE ELEMENT The STD time is based on the 24 hour clock. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.15.1 header STD STD identifying code 2.15.2 oblique / information separator 2.15.3 local time of scheduled departure 1625 time Example: STD/1625 2.16 ACTUAL TIME OF DEPARTURE ELEMENT The ATD time is based on the 24 hour clock. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.16.1 header ATD ATD identifying code 2.16.2 oblique / information separator 2.16.3 local date: actual day of departure 29 date/day 2.16.4 local time of actual departure 1625 time Example: ATD/291625 2.17 ASSOCIATION NUMBER ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 2.17.1 header ANA ANA identifying code 2.17.2 oblique / information separator 2.17.3 association number for ADL or CAL parts 123456 number/three to six Example: .... ADL KL775/26MAR ZRH PART1 ANA/72118 .... ENDPART1 .... ADL KL775/26MAR ZRH PART2 ANA/72118 .... ENDPART2 .... ADL KL775/26MAR ZRH PART3 ANA/72118 .... ENDADL 2.18 NIL ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 2.18.1 header NIL NIL identifying code Example: NIL 2.19 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ELEMENT The SI element can appear only once in a DCS message, at the end of the message before the END ELEMENT. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.19.1 header SI SI identifying code 2.19.2 carriage return, line feed <≡ information separator 2.19.3 one or more lines of free format text FULL LOAD free flow text 832 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b Example: SI FULL LOAD TODAY/BOARD EARLY FOR OT DPTR AND IMPLEMENT STANDARD PROCEDURES FOR VOLUNTARY DENIED BOARDING/SEAT 2B UNSERVICEABLE 2.20 INFORMATION SEPARATOR Construction Example Data Field Name 2.20.1 single-character separator between data fields / information separator as specified in construction rules for individual messages (the allowable characters are specified in RP1707, paragraph 2.6) Example: Y212/747 2SMITH/THOMASMR/JANICEMRS-A14 2.21 END ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 2.21.1 end of part ENDPART10 end of part 2.21.2 end of final part ENDPNL end of final part 2.21.3 end of text = end of text (as governed by IATA Systems and Communications Reference Manual) 2.21.4 three blank lines 2.21.5 end of message NNNN end of message (as governed by IATA Systems and Communications Reference Manual) Example: ENDPNL = NNNN 2.22 SEATS ELEMENT Note: When a row/seat entry would cause a line of text to overflow a line (beyond 64 positions) break off at the end of the last complete entry before the 64th position and continue on the next line from the 1st position. Seat numbers are entered in ascending row and alpha order (such as 2A 3A 3D). A single-digit row number may be preceded with a zero, such as 7ABD or 07ABD. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.22.1 Individual seats, separated by a space 4C 5A 6B f(ff)a→f(ff)a→ 2.22.2 Individual seats in one row 20AC f(ff)a[1..24] 2.22.3 A range or block of seats in one or multiple rows: seats 21A through 21C 21A–C f(f)(f)a-a seats 21A, 22A, and 23A 21–23A f(f)(f)-f(f)(f)a seats A through D in rows 21 through 24 21–24A-D f(f)(f)-f(f)(f)a-a seats 21C to the end of row 21, row 22, row 23, and row 24 up to and including 24F 21C–24F f(f)(f)a-f(f)(f)a 2.22.4 All seats in one row may be described using the word “ROW” in place of the individual seat letters 25ROW (ff)ROW 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 833 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Construction Example Data Field Name 2.22.5 When all seats on the aircraft apply, the word “ALL” may be used in place of seat numbers ALL ALL 2.22.6 At a point when all remaining seats apply, the word “REST” may be used in place of seat numbers REST REST 2.22.7 Individual entries are separated by a space 6AD 7A 9ROW REST 2.22.8 When no seats are applicable, enter the word “NIL” in place of seat numbers NIL NIL 2.23 DOWNLINE DESTINATION AND RECAP ELEMENT This element is used to show a downline destination and a numeric summary of special services for a DCS message, such as PSM. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.23.1 hyphen - information separator 2.23.2 downline destination code FAR airport code 2.23.3 one space → information separator 2.23.4 NIL (if no passengers require services for this destination) NIL NIL 2.23.5 total number of passengers requiring service for this destination 7 number/one-to-three 2.23.6 passenger count header PAX PAX 2.23.7 space oblique space →/→ information separator 2.23.8 total number of SSR/OSI/AUX services required for this destination 12 number/one-to-three 2.23.9 SSR/OSI/AUX count header SSR SSR Example: -JFK 16PAX/21SSR -MSY NIL 2.24 SSR/OSI/AUX CODES AND COUNTS ELEMENT This element lists the SSR/OSI/AUX codes that apply to a message. Each code is followed by the counts of the services for passengers, by compartment, in descending order. The counts are zero-filled. Construction Example Data Field Name 2.24.1 AUX, SSR or OSI code WCHR SSR/OSI/AUX code 2.24.2 space (only if a three character OSI code was entered) → information separator 2.24.3 space → information separator 2.24.4 number of SSR OSI or AUX services applicable for this compartment 002 number/three 2.24.5 compartment F compartment (Repeat 2.24.3 to 2.24.5 for each compartment on this flight.) Example: MEDA 000F 000C 001Y VIP 001F 001C 000Y WCHR 002F 000C 000Y ====Section 3—DCS Elements at the Passenger Level==== Note 1: “Data Field Name” refers to entries in the DCS Data Dictionary found in Recommended Practice 1707a. Note 2: Each line of a message has a limit of 64 characters as defined in the IATA Systems and Communications Reference Manual. When any DCS element at the passenger level causes a line of text to exceed 64 positions, reposition and begin the entire element on the next line. If it still overflows, then use the element continuation procedures outlined for each element (where present). Where continuation procedures are not present, the element is to be truncated at the 64th position. Generally, truncate or breakoff an element for continuation on the boundary of a full data field. For example, the date 12JUN99 or the city pair LAXHKG should be taken as a whole for truncation or continuation on the next line. Never break at a partial field, such as 12JU or LAXHK in this example. Free flow text can be broken at any point. Note 3: DCS Elements at the passenger level appear only after the Name Element and can be in any order. 3.1 .A/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.1.1 element ID .A/ element ID 3.2 .B/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.2.1 element ID .B/ element ID 3.3 .BG/ BAGGAGE POOLING ELEMENT This element is used to associate all members of a party/group back to a single member when all of the baggage for the party/group has been “pooled” (checked) with that one member, the “head of the pooled baggage”. The purpose of pooling baggage is to expedite the check-in process for large parties/groups. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.3.1 element ID .BG/ element ID 3.3.2 pooling reference number 001 number/three Example: .BG/001 3.4 .C/ CORPORATE OR GROUP NAME ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.4.1 element ID .C/ element ID 3.4.2 corporate name USA/TOUR corporate name Example: .C/CARNAVAL/TOUR/ONE 3.5 .D/ DEFINED TOUR OPERATOR ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.5.1 element ID .D/ element ID 3.5.2 annotation AIR2000 Tour operator Example: .D/AIR2000 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 835 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 3.6 .DBC/ DENIED BOARDING COMPENSATION ELEMENT This is used to indicate confirmed passengers receiving denied boarding compensation. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.6.1 element ID .DBC/ element ID 3.6.2 voluntary indicator (V) or involuntary indicator (I) V alpha/one 3.6.3 oblique (if free text follows) / information separator 3.6.4 type of compensation USD200 free flow text Example: .DBC/V/USD200 PAID IN CASH .DBC/I/MCO GIVEN FOR DOMESTIC RT TRAVEL 3.7 .DG1/ FIRM DG PASSENGER ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.7.1 element ID .DG1/ element ID 3.7.2 priority code PSN49 priority designator 3.7.3 hyphen (if seniority date follows) - information separator 3.7.4 (optional) seniority date 11JUN86 date/full Example: .DG1/PSN49-08AUG91 3.8 .DG2/ SPACE AVAILABLE DG PASSENGER ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.8.1 element ID .DG2/ element ID 3.8.2 priority code PSN68 priority indication 3.8.3 hyphen (if seniority date follows) - information separator 3.8.4 (optional) seniority date 11JUN86 date/full Example: .DG2/PSN68-12AUG82 3.9 .E/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.9.1 element ID .E/ element ID 3.10 .F FREQUENT TRAVELLER ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.10.1 element ID .F/ element ID 3.10.2 airline SK airline code 3.10.3 space → information separator 3.10.4 account number 123456789 account number Example: .F/KL 123456789 .F/DL A97654321012345 836 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 3.11 .G/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.11.1 element ID .G/ element ID 3.12 .H/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.12.1 element ID .H/ element ID 3.13 .I/ INBOUND CONNECTION ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.13.1 element ID .I/ element ID 3.13.2 flight information: flight SR559 flight fare class F fare class local date of inbound boarding point 07 date/day boarding point MUC airport code arrival point (conditional: mandatory when different from the departure point of the flight in the message being created; optional when the same) JFK airport code arrival time (conditional: mandatory if date variation is used; otherwise optional) /M1 date variation date variation (conditional: mandatory if arrival date of Inbound connection is different from the departure date of the inbound connection. Not allowed when the date is the same. May have a value of minus 1, plus 1 or plus 2.) /M1 date variation reservations status (optional) HK status Example: .I/SR559F07MUC .I/BA226Y09LHR1100 .I/NZ040X27AKL0651/M1HK 3.14 .ID1/ FIRM ID PASSENGER ELEMENT This is used for positive space ID passengers. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.14.1 element ID .ID1/ element ID 3.14.2 priority code ID00S1 priority designator 3.14.3 hyphen (if seniority date follows) - information separator 3.14.4 (optional) seniority date 11JUN86 date/full Example: .ID1/ID00S1-11JUN86 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 837 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 3.15 .ID2/ SPACE AVAILABLE ID PASSENGER ELEMENT This is used for space available ID passengers. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.15.1 element ID .ID2/ element ID 3.15.2 priority code F2 priority designator 3.15.3 hyphen (if seniority date follows) - information separator 3.15.4 (optional) seniority date 11JUN86 date/full Example: .ID2/F2-11JUN86 3.16 .J/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.16.1 element ID .J/ element ID 3.17 .K/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.17.1 element ID .K/ element ID 3.18 .L/ AUTOMATED PNR ADDRESS ELEMENT Members may include one or more automated PNR addresses (also known as file references or record locators); each PNR address is to appear in its own separate .L/ element. When a single .L/ element appears, the company designator is optional. When a single .L/ element appears with no company designator, it is assumed to be the record locator of the airline code of the airline in the Flight Element of the DCS message. When more than one automated PNR address element appears for a PNR entry each must contain only one PNR address and each must have a unique company designator, such as in the case of a code share flight or a CRS service provider. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.18.1 element ID .L/ element ID 3.18.2 automated PNR address S4627W automated PNR address 3.18.3 oblique (if company designator follows) / information separator 3.18.4 (conditional) company designator JD airline code (when absent, implies the record locator of the airline in the Flight Element of the DCS message.) (when more than one .L/ element is present for the passenger entry, then the company designator is mandatory in each .L/ element.) (when only one .L/ element is present for the passenger entry, then the company designator is optional.) Examples: .L/S2798Z .L/ABC123/JD .L/222BBD/NW .L/QRS123/KL (showing mandatory company designators when multiple .L/ Elements appear) 838 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 3.19 .M/ MARKETING FLIGHT INFORMATION ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.19.1 element ID .M/ element ID 3.19.2 flight information: flight UA3517 flight fare class F fare class departure date 16 date/day origin FRA airport code destination JFK airport code departure time (optional) 1000 time reservations status (optional) HK status code Example: .M/UA3517F16FRAJFK1000HK 3.20 .N/ BAGGAGE TAG DETAILS ELEMENT This element is used to record consecutive bag tag numbers. When a Name Element has multiple bags with nonconsecutive bag tag numbers, use multiple .N/ elements. As bilaterally agreed, the information will be provided using either the numeric or alphanumeric formats of the baggage tag as described in IATA Resolution 740. 3.20.1 Numeric version Construction Example Data Field Name element ID .N/ element ID baggage tag number 0074123456 baggage tag ID: licence plate number number of consecutive tags 005 number/three oblique (/) / information separator final destination to which bag(s) are checked SFO airport code Example: .N/0074123456005/SFO 3.20.2 Alpha Numeric version Construction Example Data Field Name element ID .N/ element ID baggage tag ID number baggage tag ID: KL123456 Alpha/Numeric oblique / information separator number of consecutive tags 5 number of bags oblique / information separator final destination to which bag(s) are checked SFO airport code Example: .N/KL123456/5/SFO 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 839 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 3.21 .O/ ONWARD CONNECTION(S) ELEMENT It is mandatory that reservations systems list all onward connections from the PNR that are downline in the PNR. The uses for having all onward connections in DCS include automated thru check-in and proper thrubaggage processing. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.21.1 element ID .O/ element ID element ID with suffix .O2/ element ID 3.21.2 flight information: flight LH001 flight fare class F fare class local date of onward boarding point 26 date/day boarding point (conditional: mandatory when different from the arrival point of the flight in the message being created or a previous .O/ element; optional when the same.) HND airport code arrival point LHR airport code departure time (optional) 1400 time arrival time (conditional: mandatory if date 0630 time variation exists; otherwise optional) date variation (conditional: mandatory if arrival date is different from departure date of the onward connection. Not allowed when the date is the same. May have a value of minus 1, plus 1 or plus 2.) /M1 date variation reservations status (optional) KL status Example: .O/BA012C26LHR1500HK .O2/NW001C27JFK1400HK .O3/AA123Y27ATL .O/CO0964Y15NRTGUM20500125/1HK .O2/CO0002Y16GUMHNL06301755/M1HK .O/NZ0038Y29LHRAKL21050900/2HK 3.22 .P/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.22.1 element ID .P/ element ID 3.23 .Q/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.23.1 element ID .Q/ element ID 3.24 .R/ REMARKS ELEMENT As mentioned in Note 2 at the beginning of Section 3, unique continuation rules apply for this element. A Remarks Element that is greater than the length of one message line is to be continued on the next line. Break the element at the 64th character. Enter the Element ID code of .RN/ and continue the element data from where it was broken on the previous line. Multiple, successive .RN/ elements can be used for the continuation of one .R/ Remarks Element. 840 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b Construction Example Data Field Name 3.24.1 element ID for Remarks Element .R/ element ID 3.24.2 applicable SSR, OSI or AUX code SFML SSR/OSI/AUX code or bilateral (number, when present, may precede OSI code) 1VIP agreed code (Bilateral agreed code) ETLP 3.24.3 space → information separator 3.24.4 action/status code and number KK1 status code HK3 number/one-to-three 3.24.5 space → information separator 3.24.6 where required, fields as defined in RP1708 for certain types of Remarks Elements 3.24.7 additional element information free flow format FIRST TIME FLYER free flow text 3.24.8 Passenger ID: Add according to the rules in RP -1JONES/SAMDR passenger identification 1707b, paragraph 3.37 3.24.9 element ID for Remarks continuation .RN/ element ID 3.24.10 continuation of Remarks text MORE INFO free flow text Example: 2HARTSHORNE/MARKMR/MARYMRS .L/765Y78 .R/STCR HK1 PASSENGER HAS BROKEN HIP AND LEG AND IS WEARING .RN/A FLEXIBLE BODY CAST WITH HIP IN PLASTER CAST. DO ALL .RN/POSSIBLE TO ASSIST. WILL BE MET BY PRIVATE AMBULANCE .RN/ON ARRIVAL-1HARTSHORNE/MARKMR .R/VGML NN1-1HARTSHORNE/MARYMRS 3.25 .RG1/FIRM RG PASSENGER ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.25.1 element ID .RG1/ element ID 3.25.2 priority code PSN68 priority designator 3.25.3 hyphen (if seniority date follows) - information separator 3.25.4 (optional) seniority date 12AUG82 date/full Example: .RG1/PSN68-12AUG82 3.26 .RG2/ SPACE AVAILABLE RG PASSENGER ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.26.1 element ID .RG2/ element ID 3.26.2 priority code PSN68 priority designator 3.26.3 hyphen (if seniority date follows) - information separator 3.26.4 (optional) seniority date 12AUG82 date/full Example: .RG2/PSN68-12AUG82 3.27 .RN/ REMARKS CONTINUATION ELEMENT (See .R/ Remarks Element) 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 841 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual 3.28 .S/ SECURITY INFORMATION ELEMENT This element lists a passenger's security information as related to a particular country. As mentioned in Note 2 at the beginning of Section 3, unique continuation rules apply to this element. A Security Information Element that is greater than the length of one message line is to be continued on the next line. Break the element at the 64th character. Enter the Element ID code of .SN/ and continue the element data from where it was broken on the previous line. Multiple, successive .SN/ elements can be used for the continuation of one .S/ Security Information Element. It is composed of the following information: • Country (mandatory)—2 character ISO country code for which the security information applies. • Security reference (conditional)—Per passenger, a unique security reference assigned to a passenger, as defined by individual governments' requirements. • Security status code (conditional)—Status returned in the response from the specified governmental authority for a vetting request. The vetting results will be passed as received from the government without any translation. The format is defined by individual governments. • Infant indicator—to indicate an infant (not occupying a seat); passenger ID on this element is for the adult accompanying this infant. • Free text (conditional). Once established, the security reference will be used in any communication with the specified government. The obliques between data components are mandatory, even when not populated. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.28.1 element ID .S/ element ID 3.28.2 ISO country code to which the security US aa information applies 3.28.3 oblique / information separator 3.28.4 security reference 8972657824 m[..25] 3.28.5 oblique / information separator 3.28.6 security status code 2C m[..10] 3.28.7 oblique / information separator 3.28.8 infant indicator (not occupying seat) I I 3.28.9 oblique / information separator 3.28.10 free text FREE TEXT m[..999] Note: Where the components of the .S/ Element are not provided, an oblique (/) is inserted to indicate an element is missing. This is not allowed when no further components are provided. The Passenger Identification Element may follow the final element entered. 3.28.11 passenger identification -1HOLTON/TOMMR passenger ID 3.28.12 element ID for Security Information .SN/ element ID continuation 3.28.13 continuation of Security Information text MORE INFO free flow text Examples: .S/US/8972657824/2C/I/INFANT WITH FATHER-1HOLTON/TOMMR .S/US/123454321-1SMITH/JOHNMR .S/US/9757326734 .S/US/1234567922/11//CALL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY AFTER VER .SN/ IFYING TRAVEL DOCUMENTS-1ZHANG/BIN 3.29 .SN/ SECURITY INFORMATION CONTINUATION ELEMENT (See .S/ Security Information Element) 3.30 .T/ (RESERVED FOR ELECTRONIC TICKETING INFORMATION) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.30.1 element ID .T/ element ID 842 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 3.31 .U/PASSENGER SYSTEM IDENTIFIER PER SEGMENT (bilateral agreement) This element conveys a unique passenger system identifier for each flight segment. The identifier is assigned by the sending system for purposes of data collection and statistical analysis. It is composed of the following information: • Unique passenger system identifier–a unique identifier is assigned to a passenger for each flight segment. • Infant indicator–to indicate an infant (not occupying a seat); passenger ID on this element is for the adult accompanying this infant. Once established, this unique reference will be the key to identify the passenger Construction Example Data Field Name 3.31.1 element ID .U/ element ID 3.31.2 unique reference A98745632145678Z m[..25] 3.31.3 oblique / information separator 3.31.4 infant indicator I I 3.31.5 passenger identification -1HOLTON/TOMMR passenger ID Examples: .U/A456789A56478 .U/B12345698Z765889Q/I-1MONCEL/MARC 3.32 .V/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.32.1 element ID .V/ element ID 3.33 .W/ PIECES/WEIGHT DATA ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.33.1 element ID .W/ element ID 3.33.2 pieces/weight indicator K pieces/weight indicator K = kilos L = pounds P = pieces only 3.33.3 oblique / information separator 3.33.4 number of checked baggage 3 number/one-to-three (this field is mandatory) 3.33.5 oblique (if weight follows) / information separator 3.33.6 checked baggage weight 33 weight (not to be used with P) 3.33.7 oblique (if weight follows) / information separator 3.33.8 unchecked (hand carried) weight 5 number/one-to-three (optional for K and L; not to be used with P) Examples: .W/L/2/45 .W/P/3 .W/K/1/17/5 .W/K/0/0/7 3.34 .WL/ REVENUE PASSENGER ON WAITLIST ELEMENT Construction Example Data Field Name 3.34.1 element ID .WL/ element ID 3.34.2 priority code AB84 priority designator Example: .WL/AB84 3.35 .X/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.35.1 element ID .X/ element ID 3.36 .Y/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.36.1 element ID .Y/ element ID 3.37 .Z/ (NOT IN USE) Construction Example Data Field Name 3.37.1 element ID .Z/ element ID 3.38 PASSENGER IDENTIFICATION (ID) Passenger Identification is optional on a passenger element entry. • If the element applies to all passengers in a family name (such as 3SMITH/A/B/C or 1JONES/D), the passenger ID element is optional. • If the element applies to one or some, but not all, of the passengers in a family name, then the passenger ID element is mandatory (such as an element that applies only to Mr Brown in a name element of 2BROWN/AMR/BMRS). • A passenger identification element can appear only once per element, as shown in the examples below. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.38.1 applicable passenger name(s) -1COTE/DIANEMS passenger identification (ID) Examples: The PNR holds The DCS message entry is One passenger: Passenger ID is optional: 1FOX/ABEMR 1FOX/ABEMR .R/FQTV AI 43211 (with an SSR FQTV for Mr. A. Fox) or 1FOX/ABEMR .R/FQTV AI 43211-1FOX/ABEMR The PNR holds The DCS message entry is Multiple passengers with multiple surnames: Elements with and without passenger ID: 3BAKER/HUGHMR/JANEMRS/BOBMR 3BAKER/HUGHMR/JANEMRS/BOBMR-D4 (with an SSR FQTV for only Mrs. Baker) .L/87Y344/AI .R/FQTV JD 98765432-1BAKER/JANEMRS 1UPTON/TINAMRS 1UPTON/TINAMRS-D4 .R/FQTR JD 12345678 (with an SSR FQTR for Mrs. Upton) The PNR holds The DCS message entry is Multiple passengers with the same surname: Elements with and without passenger ID: 3DAHL/WILMMR/HELENMRS/JANEMS 3DAHL/WILMR/HELENMRS/JANEMS (with an SSR VGML for all three of the DAHLs, plus .L/223H45/AY \\ .R/VGML HK3 an SSR BIKE for Mrs. DAHL and for Ms. DAHL) .R/BIKE HK2-2DAHL/HELENMRS/JANEMS 844 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 3.39 SSR/OSI/AUX SERVICES ELEMENT This element lists the SSR/OSI/AUX code(s) that apply to a passenger. Construction Example Data Field Name 3.39.1 space → information separator 3.39.2 SSR, OSI or AUX code WCHR SSR/OSI/AUX code 3.39.3 space(if free text follows) → information separator 3.39.4 free text BROKEN LEG free flow text (If free text exceeds one line, end the line at the end of a word, indent six spaces on the next line and continue the free text.) Examples: BLND TRAVELLING WITH SERVICE DOG NAMED GINGER MEDA THIS PASSENGER IS TRAVELLING WITH WIFE AND MEDICAL ASST. DAPO TO MEET AND ASSIST WITH DEBOARDING VIP MR LARSON IS THE PRESIDENT OF OUR EUROPE OPERATIONS OF THE NEW ORGANIZATION OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 3.40 API (ADVANCE PASSENGER INFORMATION) ELEMENTS These elements are used to record the API SSR codes for travel documents, travel related information, and address information. These are the RES elements of SSR DOCS, SSR DOCO, and SSR DOCA. In reservations message construction rules, all data fields in the body of these SSR elements are ‘optional’—meaning that they should appear in messages if they are present in the PNR. This becomes an important factor in the creation of PAXLST Elements in DCS messages, in that the PAXLST DOCx rule for mandatory separator obliques will show the empty fields (up to the last present field). \\ For example, the ‘Known Traveler’ in \\ .R/DOCO does not have a ‘place or date of issue’; therefore, the two fields will be blank with mandatory obliques in their place. 3.40.1 API DOCS Element This element lists Passenger primary travel documents. Where the components of a DOCS element are not provided, an oblique (/) is inserted to indicate an element is missing. This is not required when no further components are provided. The Passenger Identification Element may follow the final element entered. The elements Travel Document Surname, Travel Document First Given Name and Travel Document Second Given Name must match the surname, first given name and second given name (if applicable) as shown in the official travel document. If the name is from the Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of an official document, e.g. passport, the chevron character (<) in the MRZ should be interpreted as a space character. A double chevron (<<) should be interpreted as a change of field, e.g. from surname to given name. Spaces in the name fields of the SSR DOCS should not be removed and should be transmitted in messages to business partners and governments. Construction Example Data Field Name element ID for Remarks Element .R/ element ID SSR code DOCS SSR/OSI/AUX code space → information separator action/status code and the number 1 HK1 status code oblique / information separator travel document type I a(a) oblique / information separator travel document issuing country/state US country code oblique / information separator travel document number D23145890 m[..15] oblique / information separator passenger nationality US country code oblique / information separator 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 845 Passenger Services Conference Resolutions Manual Construction Example Data Field Name date of birth 12JUL64 date of birth oblique / information separator gender code M gender code oblique / information separator travel document expiry date 12JUL04 date/full oblique / information separator travel document surname STEVENSON surname oblique / information separator travel document first given name THOMAS first name oblique / information separator travel document second given name RICHARD first name oblique (if H follows) / information separator multi-passenger passport holder indicator H H passenger identification -1STEVENSON/THOMAS passenger ID Example showing a DOCS for an adult male, with a continuation element: .R/DOCS HK1/I/US/D23145890/US/12JUL64/M/12JUL04/STEVENSON/THOM .RN/AS/RICHARD-1STEVENSON/THOMASMR Example showing a DOCS for an adult, female, multi-name passport holder (H), accompanied by a female infant (FI) on the same passport: .R/DOCS HK1/P/CA/939822373/HK/08MAR82/F/31JUL12/LIU/JANE/LIN/H-1LIU/JANEMS .R/DOCS HK1/P/CA/939822373/HK/21FEB08/FI/31JUL12/LIU/MILLY/KAI-1LIU/JANEMS 3.40.2 API DOCO Element This element lists Passenger other travel related information. Where the components of a DOCO element provided, an oblique (/) is inserted to indicate an element is missing. This is not required when no further components are provided. The Passenger Identification Element may follow the final element entered. Construction Example Data Field Name element ID .R/ element ID SSR code DOCO SSR/OSI/AUX code space → information separator action/status code and the number 1 HK1 status code oblique / information separator place of birth AMBER HILL GBR a(..35) oblique / information separator travel document type V a(a) oblique / information separator travel document number 9891404 m[..25] oblique / information separator travel document place of issue LONDON a(..35) oblique / information separator travel document issue date 12JUL64 date/full oblique / information separator country/state for which visa is applicable US country code oblique (if Infant indicator follows) / information separator infant indicator I I passenger identification -1ADDAMS/MARYMRS passenger ID Examples: .R/DOCO HK1/AMBER HILL GBR-1BROSNAN/JAMES .R/DOCO HK1/BREMEN DEU ////12JUL06-1KAISER/HARALD 846 32ND EDITION, JUNE 2012 Recommended Practice 1707b 3.40.3 API DOCA Element This element lists Passenger address information. Where the components of a DOCA element are not provided, an oblique (/) is inserted to indicate an element is missing. This is not required when no further components are provided. The Passenger Identification Element may follow the final element entered. Construction Example Data Field Name element ID .R/ element ID SSR code DOCA SSR/OSI/AUX code space → information separator action/status code HK status code number of passengers to whom the element applies 2 number/one-to-three oblique / information separator type of address: D-Destination, R-Residence R a oblique / information separator country US country code oblique / information separator address details 1600 SMITH STREET m[..35] oblique / information separator city HOUSTON a(..35) oblique / information separator state/province/county TX a(..35) oblique / information separator zip/postal code 77001 m[..17] oblique (if Infant indicator follows) / information separator infant indicator I I passenger identification -1BREKKE/LEAHMRS passenger ID Example: .R/DOCA HK1/R/US/1600 SMITH STREET/HOUSTON/TX/77001-1BREKKE/LEAHMRS .R/DOCA HK1/D/US/HOLIDAY INN/HOUSTON-1DRYER/DAVIDMR .R/DOCA HK3/R/CH/33 ROUTE DE LAEROPORT/GENEVA/SWITZERLAND/15